Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vodka Island a.k.a. WashU LondonFest

Welcome to Vodka Island, Tiger Tiger's (resident touristy Piccadilly club) STUDENT NIGHT - basically a way to get all the study abroad students in one big hot sweaty mess together by making them wait in a 20 minute line and charging them a 6 pound cover to enter a ridiculously crowded dance club with another 20 minute long line to check your coats.

But its worth it because once you DO make it through the horrendous coat queue, you barely have space to dance, can't talk to your friends because "Riverside" (see end of post) is playing at an extremely high decibel, and you get to sweat out all of toxins from previous nights of partying while simultaneously filling up with new ones for 2 pounds a shot being served by shirtless italian men.

Wait a minute - who am I kidding?

Although I usually prefer to stay away from touristy clubs like Tiger Tiger, partying with Wash U at Vodka Island was for sure a blast. WashU kids from Kings, UCL, and b-school (cass?) all came out for the fun.

And we had an ALPHA PHI FEST WOOOOT. (just spent an hour stalking all the new girls - already in love)

Oy.. sweaty mcgee.

(bomb london song that I'm pretty pos hasn't hit America - not a lot of words other than "riverside motherfucker" but put it on a pregame mix or something. trust me)

1 comment:

  1. omg. i would pay significantly more than 6 pounds for that man to serve me drinks all night...
