Saturday, April 3, 2010

Paris, I'll be back!

The two days we spent exploring Paris were wonderfully relaxed and full of chocolate croissants.    

Since the entire fam had already been to Paris, we didn't do as much of the touristy stuff and spent most of our time just walking around the city, aimlessly exploring and coming across wonderful tchachkis like penis shaped ice cube makers and Sonia Rykiel shoes (bad news bears).

My favorite part of Paris is definitely the Marais district, which is where we spent most of our time. Reasons why the Marais rocks:

1.  It's where the Pompidou centre is - pretty much the coolest modern art museum ever. I'm not going to pretend we went inside, since we'd all been there done that, but the art around the building is sweet too! 

I especially loved all of the mechanical pieces inside the fountain outside the museum, particularly that of a fat mermaid with water spouting out of her ENORMOUS bullseye breasts.

2.  It's also the Old Jewish Quarter (yeaaa my people), so its full of little old synagogues and delicious looking falafel shops - which, much to my dismay, were all closed for pesach.

One of the bookshops we passed had a paper from when the state of Israel was born.

Marais is also home to the Shoah memorial, commemorating all of the Jewis that were lost in the holocaust.

3.  Marais is pretty much the Soho of Paris, and therefore has all of the best shopping and all of the trendiest homes and mansions. 

Of course, we did a few touristy things again. At the Notre Dame, Lana and I were accosted by two Asian men who told us how beautiful we were and asked to take pictures with us... future husbands, perhaps?

The one cool new thing we did, however, was check out the archeological dig site below the Notre Dame, where they have a huge excavation of Lutetia - the city that existed in this spot before Paris came to be.

And last but certainly not least, we decided to do the Eiffel Tower at night, since all of us had already been during the day.  

It was absolutely stunning, except for the part where the elevator broke and we got stuck in the freezing cold for 20 minutes before finally deciding to walk down.  That was my workout for the vacation.


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