Plot: The Killer Queen, with the help of her Gaga Police, has taken over the planet and banned all forms of independent thought, including the creation of MUSIC. However, a Bohemian Rebellion has risen up (led by none other than "Scaramoush" and "Galileo Figaro"), in search of these legendary tools called "instruments"...
Okay that's not my point. The musical was awesome, as I am a huge huge Queen fan, and Shira and I were pretty much dancing in our seats the entire time.
Then, after the cast came on to take their bows, they had one final song to perform - Bohemian Rhapsody obvi.
Except it was weird - a few people had pulled out their cameras and were recording. The rest of the audience, clearly confused, all decided to pull out their cameras too (usually this is forbidden in musicals). Naturally I joined in, and this is what I caught...
Pretty big fucking deal.
Apparently they come back once a year on the birthday of show. This was the 8th year anniversary. So cool!!
And a big thank you to the Sondra, Simon, Stone, and Shira (S^4??) for taking me to the show!! Definitely once in a lifetime experience.
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